Numbers…sounds pretty simple. This section includes place value, fractions, sequences, patterns and special numbers to name a few. Have a look, you might be surprised to find a lot you didn’t know about numbers!
Commonly known as “Things you can use a calculator for when you turn 18!” This section includes the dreaded long multiplication and long division.
What a vast subject. Ranging from area and perimeter to time and money.
The Geometry section covers shapes, angles, lines etc. Have a look. I have sources a variety of resources that I find very useful. I hope you find the same!
Charts, graphs, diagrams, you’ll find them all in here!
OK, so your child isn’t exactly at Einstein’s level…yet! However, they do need to be able to understand basic algebra.
Click here for free Algebra Resources
Literacy and Grammar
Proof reading, poetry and comprehension play a big part in the test, but pupils also need to know about basic grammar concepts.